Bits and bobs.
Other stuff that happened.
Tasks: Various. Everything from assignments to randomness.
I’ll add some various things here, both student work from Yrgo and other shenanigans I’ve gotten up to, either to learn or just to spend free time, or to make myself laugh.
Stena Line B2B ad
Student project. Yrgo, 2019.
An assignment for our English Copywriting class. The brief was to create an ad for a new Stena Line ferry route from Harwich, UK to Gothenburg. The target demographic were logistics companies and haulage firms in the UK.
I realised that the ferry route would take about the same time as driving the land route, so the time aspect was not a selling point. Then I found a crucial statistic: According to a scientific study into European Truck Accident Causation, the main cause of accidents on the road is linked to human error (85.2%).
In other words: The longer the drive, the higher the risk.
So, my insight was, the best thing about taking a freight ferry is that someone else is driving.

Image copy for Aftonstjärnan
Student project. Yrgo, 2019.
The task was to create a marketing plan to raise interest and awareness for a beautiful old theatre building in Gothenburg.
Från framtid till historia på fem minuter.
På Aftonstjärnan har det berättats historier i över hundra år. På scenen, på filmduken, vid caféborden. Ända sedan 1903 har huset varit en samlingsplats för föreningsmedlemmar, Lindholmsbor, göteborgare. En plats för konversationer. Gemenskap. Möten.
Aftonstjärnan är ett kulturhus beläget i ett vackert sekelskifteskvarter mitt i expansiva Lindholmen, ett stenkast från forskningscentrat Lindholmen Science Park. Här finns en huvudsalong med biograf och teaterscen, stora lokaler för caféverksamhet och möten, och en inglasad innergård. En unik plats som du kan vara med och fylla med det du vill. Möjligheterna är oändliga. Kreativiteten bestämmer.
Vi har alltid varit stolta över att berätta vår historia.
Hur vill du berätta din?
The T-Shirt Report
Student project. Yrgo, 2019.
For this assignment, we were tasked with taking some sort of data related to ourselves, visualising it, and presenting said visualisation. I chose to inventory my current t-shirt rotation. It was an enjoyable assignment for a multitude of reasons: It was good fun to look through and clean up my wardrobe, it was nice to find some t-shirts that I had neglected and half forgotten about, and it was interesting to fire up Illustrator to freshen up my skills after a long absence.
Personal project, 2019.
A fake/recut trailer I made in an effort to get more comfortable with video editing. I heard the music track in a random Youtube video and instantly got the idea in my head to use it for this.