Untamed by Timberland
Student project. Yrgo, 2019.
Arabella Harfouche, Art Director
Sofie Paulsson, Art Director
Thomas Norrgård, Copywriter + Photography
Task: Sell meat to the modern, conscious consumer.
For this assignment, we were given the specific challenge to re-brand some sort of meat product towards an environmentally conscious young adult demographic. We were encouraged to appropriate aesthetics and tonalities from plant-based alternatives, and, if possible, to “hijack” another brand.
Our solution: Game-based meats such as elk, reindeer and venison sold in cooperation with Timberland. The game meat products themselves have excellent nutritional values, while also having a very low CO2 equivalent compared to industrial meats. This was a good match with our perceived brand image of Timberland, which we defined as “sustainability through durability”.